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About Safe Tech Schools

We are a volunteer-based group of parents, grandparents, and educators from the Simcoe District. We actively promote a balance of optimal health and the use of safe technology in a variety of educational settings. We strive to raise awareness about the health risks associated with microwave radiation from wireless sources near school property and in classrooms, and to educate and empower schools and educational communities to use and promote safe technology strategies which foster optimal health and learning environments. 



  1. To review independent science (not tied to the industry) 

  2. To help students, parents, teachers, administrators, school boards, and trustees to discover safe tech solutions to significantly reduce wireless radiation near school property and in classrooms 

To work with all levels of school communities and government to create healthier tech communities for students and teachers in Simcoe.

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  • Safe Tech Schools is maintained by Canadian Educators for Safe Technology, a national non-profit organization.

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